Sunday, March 4, 2012

Walk the Walk

Challenge of the Month for March 2012:


   Be an example to those around you, and lead them through your actions. TRAIN with FOCUS, DISCIPLINE, and DETERMINATION, and LIVE each day with higher standards off the mat. Don't worry about telling them, be the one to SHOW them! Research has shown that 90% of communications take place NON-VERBALLY. Therefore it is essential to be the one who  "WALKS the WALK," rather than just "talks the talk." 
   The truth: ACTIONS always speak louder than words. By practicing a MARTIAL ART like Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, Judo, or any form of grappling, people become more sensitive to what you DO. What you say will always matter, but what you DO will always matter more.
   As a leader we must find a way for our actions to match our words. Sometimes, you need to start talking about the CHARACTERISTICS, and remind yourself what ACTION is needed. As a result, you've paved a road with the mind for the body to follow. This would be a case where the MIND led the BODY. How we think and how we act are very POWERFUL tools! Let's use them to their full potential! 

Eliot Kelly
"Lead by Example" 
Self Defense, Fitness, Competition 

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