Monday, July 8, 2013

Graphic Video on Self Defense: What could you do?

     A few weeks ago in our Ladies only Jiu Jitsu class and our NoGi Jiujitsu class we incorporated a presentation involving this video. This is a recent home invasion video of a mother being assaulted by a man who was eventually apprehended thanks to the video camera that happened to be set up. What a horrific scene of malicious attacks! We used this video in our class as an example of how our self defense training in class could or couldn't protect us from an attack like this one. While violent home invasions are not an everyday event, we need to be alert and mindful of the potential dangers surrounding ourselves. More importantly we need to have a plan in case something were to happen.
     According to the lady being attacked, she tried to be as quiet as possible so that she wouldn't alarm or scare her children. Her thought was that by not making any loud noises, her kids would remain quiet and the man might leave her kids alone. Her tactical self defense was about protecting her children. While she may not have been able to physically defend herself from the attacker, you could argue that her self defense tactics were successful by being able to protect her children from being harmed. Looking at the situation and what she was trying to accomplish from her tactics, we could say she had great family self-defense.
     But this brings up more questions. How could she have better avoided the situation? Would a rigorous and routine training of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Self Defense Seminars made any difference? That's difficult to say. However, one thing for certain is that a  FAMILY SELF DEFENSE action plan could be created just in case incidents like this were to ever take place again.
     Just as people are recommended to have an action plan for a tornado, earth quake, tsunami, or any other type of natural disaster, it would make sense to have an action plan for self defense situations. A good educational self defense program should include an action plan. An action plan not just for those that are being attacked but for by standers and onlookers. If someone is not necessarily involved but witness to an attack what steps do they need to go through to help the person being attacked? Have a plan!

El Dorado Hills Jiu Jitsu 
916 595 4064

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