Friday, July 13, 2012

Self Defense Awareness is Developed When You Roll

     Awareness is a BIG bullet point when the topic of Self-Defense is brought up. Being aware of your surroundings, understanding what dangers surround you, and taking the necessary actions to remove yourself from the possible dangers are all essential steps to protecting yourself.
     When grapplers train on the mat, whether it's Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, or Wrestling, it's essential to maintain an elevated sense of awareness. Not only do you have to be aware of the potential chokes and attacks from your training partner, but also where you are in relationship to others on the mat. If you are rolling inches from another group, you are allowing yourself to play in a 'high risk' area. Get yourself out of that situation. Don't wait for others to move... Exercise your awareness and move before someone gets hurt. If you are rolling inches from a wall, or the edge of a mat, that's also a great thing to be AWARE of. Tap your partner and let them know that you should move so it doesn't end up on the wall or hard floor.  Exercise your Self Defense Awareness, when you are on the mat! This is a great way to consciously train the mind and improve your sense of awareness!
Eliot Kelly
"Train your Self-Defense Awareness when you roll!"

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