Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tips to Bully-Proofing for everyone in El Dorado Hills

Some very insightful tips on bully-proofing your child. These are not the solve all to the issues of bullying, but is definitely a start. The theme to this article is the need for parent and guardians involvement. Parents need to take the time to think about how they will parent their children through bullying situations, just like they would think about parenting their child when they act up, talk back, or refuse to eat their vegetables.

As good as these tips might be to help bully-proof your child, there is an element that is missing. The issue of cyber bullying through social media and social networking sites. This is an issues that will grow and as educators try to apply their training to help reduce bullying, we will see that some of the older strategies are not as effective. A shift towards thinking about how technology can change our way of doing things needs to be well thought out.

I believe a key ingredient involved in helping with cyber bullying will also involve parent involvement. Parents and teachers/ educators need to take specific steps to help.

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4 Tips to Bully-Proof Your Child

The issue regarding bullying in schools has grabbed a lot of attention lately. Given that 28% of middle school students experience some manner of bullying, it's no surprise that suicide and depression rates keep on increasing.
Even celebrities have taken the initiative to campaign against bullies because there have been cases where kids were beaten to death.
How can you as parent bully-proof your child and help them face these odds?
Child self-esteem expert Todd Gaster says,"It's a matter of building a confident and resilient child at home. You may not be able to stop the bullies from coming, but you can teach your child to skillfully handle the situation themselves."
He also says that encouraging resilience at home is like teaching your child to bounce back. More importantly, your child makes the transition from victim to survivor.
Bullies aim for kids who lack self-esteem and confidence simply because it's easy to intimidate them, hence the reason for establishing both. The first step is to create a great support system.
Your child should always feel accepted and welcome no matter who they are or who they decide to be. This provides a "buffer" if they are getting bullied and the chances of them resorting to suicide or hurting themselves are dramatically decreased.
1. Parents should promote positive emotions
In other words, opportunities to laugh and enjoy life. Parenting typically involves setting guidelines and rules, but it shouldn't overshadow the fundamental need to experience happy moments.
"A child who is bullied is usually in a very disempowering emotion. Depression, fatigue, frustration, sadness. By teaching our children who to be in control of their emotions, how to process their emotions we can put them in a position to succeed in the world of bullies," said Gaster.
In addition, parents should let their kids know they are on their side no matter what. Make time to talk about negative social situations and enforce the fact that you'll be there whenever they need you. If they know they have the full support of their family then children naturally feel more confident.
2. Explore areas of interest your child may have.
Help them to take part in activities which make them happy and essentially allow them to feel good about themselves. Don't get hung up on what you want them to do.
Participate in their excitement for whatever they choose to do. Another powerful advantage parents can give their children is teaching them mindfulness. Ultimately, it will help them to control their emotions and how they react. It's important that children become "aware" of themselves.
3. Develop Their Problem solving skills
Instead of just providing answers when they have a problem, help them to explore all the possibilities. Present different aspects and ask them how they think each approach is going to play out or what solution will have the best result. It is also essential to keep them focused on the future.
This doesn't mean indulging in a fantasy world.
Remind them of realistic goals they have like getting a license or traveling abroad between graduation and enrolling in college. Their attention should primarily be driven towards what they want to achieve, not where they are.
4. Lead by example.
Your actions will speak louder than your words and your children need to see it. Like I mentioned before, you can't stop the bullies from coming, but you can provide your child with the necessary resilience to overcome any intimidation.
All kids involved in bullying -- whether they are the ones being bullied, bullying others or witnessing bullying -- can be affected. It is important to support all kids involved to make sure the bullying doesn't continue and effects can be minimized.

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